GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR DELIVERY OF Borniak ovens in the Netherlands

2. If the Other Party fails to pay an invoice on time, the Other Party is legally in default. The Other Party will then owe interest. In the case of consumer purchases, the interest is equal to the statutory interest. In other cases, the Other Party owes interest of 1% per month, unless the statutory interest is higher, in which case the statutory interest is due. The interest on the amount due will be calculated from the moment that the Other Party is in default until the moment of payment of the full amount due.

3.User has the right to have payments made by the Other Party firstly deducted from the costs, then from the accrued interest and finally from the principal amount and current interest.

4. The User may, without being in default, refuse an offer of payment if the Other Party designates a different order for the allocation of payment. The User may refuse full repayment of the principal amount if the outstanding and ongoing interest and collection costs are not also paid.

5. Objections to the amount of an invoice do not suspend the payment obligation.

6. If the Other Party is in default or in default in the (timely) fulfillment of its obligations, all reasonable costs incurred in obtaining payment out of court will be borne by the Other Party. The extrajudicial costs are calculated on the basis of what is customary in Dutch debt collection practice at that time, currently the calculation method according to Rapport Voorwerk II. However, if the User has incurred higher collection costs that were reasonably necessary, the actual costs incurred are eligible for reimbursement. Any judicial and enforcement costs incurred will also be recovered from the Other Party. The Other Party also owes interest on the collection costs owed.